Keyword: FEANTSA

Scandal of Europe's 11m empty homes

There are more than 700,000 vacant homes in the UK, something housing campaigners say is a shocking waste. Photograph: Martin Godwin More than 11m homes lie empty across Europe – enough to house all of the continent's homeless twice over – according to figures collated by the Guardian from across the EU.

The Bergamo Declaration: the EU and its Member States should implement policies in the fight against homelessness

The 2014 FEANTSA Policy Conference "Confronting homelessness in the EU: Seeking out the next generation of best practices"  brought together 400 practitioners from across Europe and beyond to exchange information on policy and practice to prevent and reduce homelessness.

European Union: The first report on homelessness and evictions

"Homelessness prevention in the context of evictions": full report - final version Home is associated with safety, belonging, esteem and personal and child development. Housing and home are intertwined with health, poverty or wealth and opportunity in general. Eviction involves the involuntary removal of people from their homes, with many negative personal and social consequences, particularly for children.In EU Member States where evictions are widely concentrated among people with complex support needs (mostly in Northern European Member States), research shows that about one quarter of those evicted can become homeless.

Release of Second Overview of Housing Exclusion in Europe

FEANTSA and the Fondation Abbé Pierre released the Second Overview of Housing Exclusion in Europe  in a seminar at the European Parliament 22 March 2017. The Overview  is the culmination of detailed analysis of EU SILC data, from which has been drawn a range of indicators of housing exclusion.

European Cities Called on to Sign the Homeless Bill of Rights

The Homeless Bill of Rights  is an initiative of Housing Rights Watch  and FEANTSA  to recognize and protect the rights of homeless people. In a climate where cities, regions and even some countries are using the criminal and administrative justice systems to minimise the visibility of people experiencing homelessness and punish those who engage in life-sustaining or natural human activities in public spaces, we are calling on European cities to adopt a rights-based approach to homelessness.

Youth Homeless Organisations Across Europe Call for Action to End Youth Homelessness on Human Rights Day

Today on Human Rights Day, FEANTSA Youth is leading a coordinated action, along with youth, housing and human rights organisations from all over Europe, to draw attention to the growing problem of youth homelessness and housing exclusion in the EU.

The Third Overview of Housing Exclusion in Europe 2018

Since 2015, FEANTSA and the Fondation Abbé Pierre have released a yearly Overview of Housing Exclusion in Europe. These annual reports look at the latest Eurostat data (EU-SILC) and assess EU countries' capacity to adequately house their populations.

4a Panoramica dell'esclusione abitativa in Europa 2019

Aumentos espectaculares de precios, número récord de personas sin hogar, falta evidente de viviendas asequibles: la crisis de la vivienda está afectando a toda Europa. En vísperas de la fecha límite de 2020 para la política de cohesión de la Unión Europea, ha llegado el momento de hacer el balance. El informe es claro: el crecimiento encontrado no beneficia a todos, sino todo lo contrario.