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Dale Farm Travellers

Dale Farm Travellers
Tipología de desalojo:
Por discriminaciones sociales, raciales y de género
Area geográfica:
United Kingdom
Crays Hill, Wickford
Nombre de la comunidad o del nucleo familiar amenazados de desalojo:
Dale Farm Travellers (second eviction from roadside threatened)
Número estimado de personas afectadas (en cifras):
Titulación de la tenencia:
Caracteristicas económicas:
Caracteristicas sociales:
minoría etnica
Grupo de edad:
Informaciones sobre la historia y antecedentes del caso:
The Dale Farm Travellers own the land on which they had put their caravans for the last 10 years. They paid for the water, electricity connections, as well as the street lamps and roads. They applied for planning permission but it was refused (on discretion) by Basildon Council. On 19th October 2011 Basildon Council employed riot police from across the UK and well-known violent and racist bailiffs to remove the Travellers from their own land. Up to 100 activists living with the Travellers on Dale Farm supported them. The council then cut the water and electricity and destroyed Travellers' buildings; afterwards they dug deep trenches and piled up high bunds to stop them going back. The land was an old scrap yard and contained toxins which the action of the council exposed and spread.
The Travellers are now living, without light, heating, sanitary facilities, along the road leading up to their land. Basildon Council have served notice to evict them from this road without providing anywhere else for them to go. The families consist of school age children, as well as elderly and disabled people. If they leave their education, healthcare and employment will be discontinued.
TSN is marching from Victoria Station at 1pm on 19th October 2012 - the anniversary of the first eviction - to the Office of Communities and Local Government which is responsible.

Niveles de causa y responsabilidad:
Local , Nacional
Violaciones de los articulos de la normativa internacional:
Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos , Convención Internacional de los Derechos del Niño (art. 27) , International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (art. 5)
Razones esgrimidas para el desalojo, oficiales y no oficiales:
Contravention of the local planning laws
Principales acontecimientos que ya tuvieron lugar en relación con el desalojo (fechas, año y hora):
From 29th September 2012 onwards the Traveller families are under direct threat of eviction - legal firms are trying to delay it but it will only be a delay.
TSN is marching from Victoria Station at 1pm on 19th October 2012 - the anniversary of the first eviction - to the Office of Communities and Local Government which is responsible.
Nombre de las autoridades que llevan o planean llevar a cabo el desalojo: :
Basildon Council; Essex Police
Nombre de las organizaciones involucradas, sus fortalezas y debilidad, sus enfoques del problema:
Traveller Solidarity Network who are mostly volunteers
Nombre de las agencias, ONGs o instituciones de apoyo que trabajan en la comunidad:
Irish Traveller Movement (NGO)
Medidas tomadas o propuestas hasta el momento por la comunidad y/o las agencias u ONGs que apoyan para resistir el desalojo y/o buscar soluciones alternativas:
A number of different short term and longer term measures
Alternativas o posibles soluciones ofrecidas o propuestas por las autoridades locales o nacionales a las comunidades afectadas:
Estrategias y futuras medidas previstas o discutidas para enfrentar el caso u otros desalojos:
TSN Fight for Sites campaign launched in September 2012
Fechas previstas importantes para (precisar de qué se trata y cuando sucederá: día, mes año):
19th October 2012
Autor (Nombre, Dirección y responsabilidad):
Essex Gurrl, member of TSN
Organización/organizaciones informantes:
Relación con AIH de las organizaciones informantes comunitarias que llevan el caso:
Parte de la Campaña Cero Desalojos
Fecha de la denuncia:
Puesta al día:
1 October 2012
Jan Plummer