In this section you can find information about the path and different stages of the Urban and Community Way, which have been set out and are in progress, fuelled by the seeds that are grown by millions of men and women, thanks to solidarity.

Towards the creation of a Mediterranean Network of Inhabitants, here we go!

About a hundred people, social organizations, local authorities and progressive experts from countries bordering the Mediterranean participated in the meeting organized by the IAI at Africities 8. A Steering Committee of the Mediterranean Network of Inhabitants has been set up. Next meeting will be in Marseille, in parallel with the "Meeting of the two shores" (Marseille, June 2019) which aims to relaunch the Mediterranean Union.

Call for participation in the Social Forum, a platform for popular resistance to Habitat III

The People’s Committee for Our Territories calls society for the construction of a Social Forum in resistance to Habitat III, continuing the legacy of other Social Forums held before UN Habitat mega-events, such as the People’s Alternative Urban Social Forum in Medellin (April 2014), the Urban Social Forum in Naples (September 2012) and the World Assemblies of Inhabitants in Tunisia (2013 and 2015). All interested organizations are invited to take part in this process.

Subscribe the Call!

We convening the World Assembly of Inhabitants (WSF Dakar, 2011), a common space towards achieving the Right to the City, taking a leading role in defending our ideals and social interests. In other words, building the Via Urbana.

This is an appeal for the unity of urban social movements which strive to give concrete expression to economic, social and cultural rights, as well as housing rights in particular. It is launched by the organizations and networks of inhabitants, co-operatives, tenants’ unions, community centres, original populations and committees for housing rights all over the world.

How can we and why do we need to house a billion people?

“Finding housing for a billion people, advocacy in public policy on land and housing." This is the new web page where we would like to show that the proposal to create Peoples' Funds for Land and Housing is an objective to which IAI has made a decisive commitment, as part of a broader and more integrated strategy.

En Quito no hubo una batalla épica, ningún enfrentamiento callejero entre visiones opuestas del futuro del mundo. Además de algunos intentos sin éxito de reprimir el Foro Social Resistencia Hábitat 3, en la apertura del Tribunal Internacional de Desalojos y el cierre, el debate, muy duro sobre las políticas, se mantuvo a distancia.Un año después, al analizar lo sucedido durante y después de Hábitat III, la imagen es más clara: en Quito hubo un punto de inflexión, que marcó la brecha entre ONU Hábitat y la sociedad civil, separación inimaginable en Hábitat I y Hábitat II.

Political Declaration - People’s Alternative Urban Social Forum. Let’s build cities for a life of dignity!

We, men and women who inhabit urban areas, are in Medellin, Colombia for the People’s Alternative Urban Social Forum taking place from 6 to 9 April 2014. More than 2,500 people are taking part in the Forum, representing social, community and political organizations as well as trade unions from every region of Colombia and from 30 countries around the world. The Forum’s objectives were met thanks to the direct and diverse participation of those involved. We discussed both the present state of cities and their future; we shared our experiences of resistance; and we agreed on joint actions of cooperation and struggle.

The Madrid Declaration

... we call and support the convocation of a World Assembly of Inhabitants for 2011 ...