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Housing for all in Europe : your signature is needed !


Housing for all: 1 million signatures for 5 demands to the EU legislators to change the rules

This European Citizens' Initiative have the opportunity to convince the EU to change its thinking by 5 demands so that affordable and social housing can be made possible in Europe.

Ask the candidates to the European Parliament to support Housing for all ECI!

Support “Housing for All” by signing the petition under www.housingforall.eu

» Housing for all: 1 million signatures for 5 demands to the EU legislators to change the rules

Politiche abitative in Europa: richiesta di impegno ai candidati alle elezioni europee 2019

Vogliamo davvero un’altra Europa, quella del diritto alla casa. Invito ai candidati alle Elezioni Europee del 26 maggio  a leggere questo impegno e ad aderire. Nessuna preclusione, ma chi aderisce deve impegnarsi sul serio a fare quanto richiesto. Invito agli elettori a valutare chi ha aderito.

» Politiche abitative in Europa: richiesta di impegno ai candidati alle elezioni europee 2019

The International Alliance of Inhabitants is a global network of associations and social movements of inhabitants, cooperatives, communities, tenants, house owners, homeless, slum dwellers, indigenous populations and people from working class neighbourhoods. The objective is the construction of another possible world starting from the achievement of the housing and city rights.