Home » Campagna Sfratti Zero » Brasile, Piquiá vuole vivere! » Call from Brazil, Piquiá wants to live!

Call from Brazil, Piquiá wants to live!


Mrs. Gleide Santos, Prefeita do Açailândia – Maranhão
e-mail: prefeitura@acailandia.ma.gov.br
Mrs. Roseanna Sarney, Governadora do Estado do Maranhão
e-mail: gabgov@casacivil.ma.gov.br


Procurador e Chefe de Gabinete do Município de Açailândia
e-mail: osvaldocruz12@hotmail.com
Ministero Pubblico del Maranhão
e-mail: gabinetepgj@mp.ma.gov.br  
AdvocaciaPrefeitura Municipal de Açailândia
e-mail: idelmarmendes@gmail.com  
Defensoria pública de Açailândia
e-mail: nucleoacailandia@dpe.ma.gov.br  
Defensoria Pública Estadual no Maranhão
e-mail: defensoriageral@dpe.ma.gov.br  
Secretaria Estadual dos Direitos Humanos do Maranhão
e-mail: gabinete.sedihc@sedihc.ma.gov.br  
Ministério Público Estadual no Maranhão
e-mail: secidma@secid.ma.gov.br  ,ascoma@secid.ma.gov.br
Ministério das Cidades
e-mail: ministro@cidades.gov.br  
Mrs. Raquel Rolnik, UN Special Rapporteur on Right to Adequate Housing
e-mail: srhousing@onchr.org

From all over the world, we are writing to say PIQUIÁ WANTS TO LIVE!

Stop to the pollution that is killing the residents of Piquiá de Baixo. No more excuses delaying their resettlement.

We know that a complete urban and housing project for a new community, far away from the pollution, is already available.

We know that even the Federal Government of Brazil secured the support and funding for this urban project.

Is the Municipality of Açailândia really ready to postpone the project and neglect the human rights of the people of Piquiá de Baixo?

Piquiá: resettlement now!

Signatories (864)

  • imberechts marine, centre de cultureeuropeenne - Belgium
  • Fobe Jean-Marc, - Belgium
  • Emilio Caperdoni, - Italy
  • Abel Ferreira, - Brazil
  • Giuseppe Mosconi, Università di Padova - Italia - Italy
  • Olivia Pastorelli, associazione per la pace - Italy
  • Chiara Leonardi, - Italy
  • João Tavares, UFMA - MA - aposentado - Brazil
  • Julia Depweg, Comite Dorothy - Brazil
  • Maria Inez Pinheiro, Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra - MST - Brazil
  • Guadalupe Montoya Mercado, Comisión de Solodaridad y Defensa de los Derechos Humanos A. C. (COSYDDHAC) - Mexico
  • Paulo Edson de Melo Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Maranhão - Brazil
  • damiano avinio, - Italy
  • Sonia Afonso, - Brazil
  • Jorge Padovan, missionarios combonianos - Brazil
  • Marco Zanazzi, - Italy
  • leonardo bellini, - Italy
  • Ana Carolina Rodrigues, Universidade Federal de Viçosa - Brazil
  • Raffaela Ratti, - Italy
  • francesco bidoglio, - Italy
  • Francisco Sousa, Sindicato dos Bancários do Maranhão - Brazil
  • Luca Anese, - Italy
  • jhonny santos silva, unisulma - Brazil
  • Jose guilherme Zagallo, - Brazil
  • Maria Cristina Paulek, Leigos Missionários Combonianos - Brazil
  • Marilia Lima, - Brazil
  • giulio di meo, - Italy
  • marco cesarotto, - Italy
  • Gabriella Cavalieri, - Italy
  • Bodart Patrick, - Belgium
  • Alessandra Chiappini, - Italy
  • Leo Moscoso, - Spain
  • tiziano cardosi, - Italy
  • Rossella Morini, - Italy
  • Abu Rayhan Al-Beeroonee Al-Beeroonee, Shelter for the Poor - Bangladesh
  • Orazio Antoniazzi, - Italy
  • Gizela Zunguze, Justiça Ambiental - Mozambique
  • Nadia Papa, - Italy
  • Prashant Anthony Anthony, People' Responsible Organisation of United Dharavi(PROUD) - India
  • Eunice Costa Costa, Pastoral da Juventude Arquidiocesana de São Luís Maranhão - Brazil
  • Eunice Costa Costa, Pastoral da Juventude Arquidiocesana de São Luís-Ma - Brazil
  • Angélica dos Santos, Missionarias dos Sagrado Coração de Jesus. - Brazil
  • Eulália Lima, Associação Madre Cabrini - Brazil
  • Martha Isabel Furtado Bispo, - Brazil
  • Danielle Castro da Silva, - Brazil
  • Jorge Oyola, Coalición Cero Desalojos Capitulo de Puerto Rico - Puerto Rico
  • Kaj Leo Johannesen, - Faroe Islands
  • Sergio Giacomazzi, - Italy