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Home » Spazio degli abitanti organizzati » Profilo dell’organizzazione » AKSHAYA Rehabilitation Trust
Type of association : Non Governmental, Not Profitable, Voluntary Organisation
Organization Aims and Objectives: To work for Protection, Promotion and Ensuring of Disability Human Rights. To establish Vocational Training Centre in all the districts of Tamil Nadu State, INDIA. To Form of Disability Youth Forums for Women, Men & Students with Disabilities. To Rehabilitate, Communicate and Advocate for Disables in our various project target area. To provide Educational Counseling, Family Counseling and Personality Development for the Disables’. To provide Parent Training and Supported Programs. To Integration into Educational Institution and Disability Human Resource Development. To Promote Disables Marriage for the Social Inclusion. To give Psycho – Social Care Training for the Disables’. To strengthen social participation and mainstreaming the Women with Disabilities. To provide free legal aid services for the disables and stake holders in our various project target area. To lobby for the creation and implementation of procedure and enactment of legislation this will Advance & benefit all Disabilities To seek the collaboration and co-operation of other voluntary and Government agencies for Development activities and programs for the disables. To establish Human Rights centre for the disables in each districts. To mainstream the person with disability in the Socio – Community. To conduct and or participate in seminars, camps, conferences, research and training programs. To aid and support deserving persons with disabilities and the aged wherever and whenever necessaries To networking with other NGO’s, CBO’s, DPO’s in the field of Disability Human Rights & Social Rights.