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Visit of the UN Rapporteur on housing rights, but which city wants to sell the UN-Habitat to the free-market?

Visita della Relatrice della ONU sul diritto alla casa, ma quali città vuole mettere in vendita la Fiera-mercato ONU-Habitat?

Campi ROM Giuliano

Naples, September 3rd  2012

Naples has given a special welcome to the Urban Social Forum (USF). While the UN-Habitat trade fair has refused to include burning issues in the official agenda, such as evictions, yesterday morning a delegation of the USF, in conjunction with Raquel Rolnik (the United Nations Special Rapporteur on housing right) met the social organisations in the working class areas of Scampia and the residents of Giugliano, a rom camp, which has been served with an eviction notice for September 7th . The reports of violations gathered in Naples, and at a national level, have put Italy at the top of the list of the Rapporteur's official missions in the coming months.

Visita della Relatrice della ONU sul diritto alla casa, ma quali città vuole mettere in vendita la Fiera-mercato ONU-Habitat?

Le Vele di Scampia

The representative of the Anticamorra Resistance, operating since 2011 in the council office of Scampia to offer alternative work to young people in the area and encourage anonymous complaints from residents of the area, of which there are about 60,000 people (the organisation claims that it is more like 80,000, many of whom live in basements and do not appear on official registers), have said they have been receivingabout 9 reports every month. Since the people's confidence in the complaint system has grown “the camorra has realised that they no longer have control of the neighbourhoods.. The GRIDAS association (the Group for Dream Awakening) which has operated in the area since 1969 has presented the long and complex history of Scampia, from the shacks in the centre with the post-war evictees, to the Vele di Scampia (the Sails of Scampia), an urban housing complex into which people moved in the 1970s without the guarantee of basic services, the tragedy of the earthquake and the subsequent problems caused, to the arrival of the money for reconstruction which gave a leap forward to the camorra, up to today, with the debate on the demolition of the Vele, which is in fact a ghetto with a high evel of crime, mainly drug dealing. For the representative of the Committee for the Demolition of the Vele, the only solution is to pull down these “special prisons where the proletariat were sent to live in order to remove them from the centre” to continue with the rehousing in new home and to transform the area into an artisan centre. The Committee highlights the contradictions of mayor De Magistris, from the start of his term in agreement with this proposal, to today where restructuring is back on the agenda.

In the Giugliano rom camp, the USF and the Rapporteur have discovered the terrible conditions in which over 650 people live without water or other types of facilities. Looming over them is the eviction order for September 7th , which is considered illegal because it violates general Comments numbers 4 and 7 of article 11 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, ratified by Italy, which prohibits evictions without adequate alternative housing. These violations affect the vast majority of approximately 170,000 Roma travellers living in Italy.

Given the serious nature of the violations of housing rights seen in Naples, as well as those that are emerging from the work of the USF, in particular 250,000 families under the threat of eviction, especially for non-payment, the UN Rapporteur has reiterated the need to carry out an official mission to Italy in the coming months, and to send soon a communication, with official recommendations, to the Italian government.

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Urban Social Forum Organising Committee

Contacts: +39 320.2363156 / 333.3576348 info@forumsocialeurbanonapoli.org

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Louise Wiseman


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