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Abitanti delle Americhe


Los pobladores en resistencia ante los impactos de la crisis climática: Hacia la Asamblea Mundial de Habitantes 2011

6 de diciembre 2010, 18:00-19:30 hrs • Carpa 1Taller convocado por  la Alianza Internacional de Habitantes.

Caravanas Internacionales hacia la COP 16 en Cancún, México

Caravanas Internacionales rumbo a Cancún recorrerán distintos lugares de lucha social y ambiental en México para confluir, junto con la digna resistencia campesina y urbana de México en su ruta a las protestas masivas globales contra la COP 16 de Cancún.La AIH Mexico-CA se ha involucrado activamente en La Asamblea Veracruzana de Iniciativa y Defensa Ambiental y, por acuerdo de la Asamblea Estatal de esta red, se acordó participar en el proceso de la sociedad hacia la COP 16. Como integrantes tambien de la Asamblea Nacional de Afectados Ambientales, se realizan actividades importantes de información y denuncia de la situación de la crisis ambiental en México.

Caracas, marcha por la revolución urbana y el socialismo

El martes 23 de noviembre las Organizaciones sociales de la ciudad de Caracas marcharon por la la “unidad popular por la revolución urbana y el socialismo”.

Grassroots Report on US Mission of UN Housing Rapporteur: Our Voices Must Be Heard

During the fall of 2009, Raquel Rolnik, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing, toured the country to assess the impact of the current U.S. housing crisis and determine the extent of violations of the human right to housing in the United States. From October 22nd to November 8th 2009,the Rapporteur visited six cities, meeting with over 70 community-based organizations. The Rapporteur’s visit had the distinction of being the first official visit of its kind focusing on the failure of U.S. Housing policy as a human rights concern. A central part of the Rapporteur’s mission was to meet with membersof impacted communities, hear testimony from those most-affected, and dialogue with government officials at the local, state and federal level about the issues uncovered.

Boston, Rally Saturday for Legislation to “Save Our Homes”

Rally to Save Our Homes Support Georgetowne Tenants United Demand a Commitment from political candidates to support Supplemental Legislation that will Protect our Homes!Saturday, October 30, 11:30 a.m. (part of International Housing Rights and Zero Evictions Days of Action in October in the US and around the globe)Park in Cleary Square, corner Hyde Park Avenue and River Street, Hyde Park (next to Post Office, parking on street)

New York, Homeless Activists Carry Out Triple Interruption at City Council Meeting

Police escort two PTH activists out of City Hall. At the Stated meeting of the New York City Council, Picture the Homeless members and allies disrupted the meeting in three coordinated waves, resulting in the chamber being cleared and the meeting being temporarily adjourned. Council Members including Ydanis Rodriguez and Jumaane Williams were seen joining in the protesters' chant of "CALENDAR INTRO 48," reflecting the need for a hearing for this popular bill. 

USA: Faces of Resistance

A family goes into foreclosure every 13 seconds in the United States of America. This video, “Faces of Resistance,” takes the statement of one family in foreclosure and connects their crisis with the national housing crisis that affects every resident in this country.  Members of the Poor Peoples Economic Human Rights Campaign (PPEHRC), a USA organization led by the poor, are mounting a foreclosure defense campaign using the experience of our members.  Daily we will document the steps we take to hold onto Esther Smith’s home in hopes that others facing foreclosure can know that they are not alone and will reach out to us at info@ppehrc.org .

Veracruz, huracán Karl: LAVIDA para una reconstrucción desde abajo

La Asamblea Veracruzana de Iniciativas y Defensa Ambiental (LAVIDA)  conformada por varios grupos en defensa del medio ambiente a lo largo y ancho de la entidad, nos pronunciamos ante los hechos ocurridos durante y posteriores a la entrada del huracán Karl que afectó gran parte de nuestro territorio y a numerosas poblaciones.

No Demolition of New Orleans' Iberville Public Housing Development

This letter, addressed to HUD secretary Shaun Donovan, is to demand that the Department of Housing and Urban Development not award a Choice Neighborhoods Implementation grant to the Housing Authority of New Orleans (HANO) and City of New Orleans to demolish and privatize the Iberville Public Housing development.Please Take action, sign the petition!  and forward this message to other supporters of racial and economic justice in New Orleans.

CENCA, 30 años trabajando para cambiar al Perú

La AIH saluda el 30 Aniversario de su miembro CENCA y celebra su aporte a la construcción de la Antena Sur y a la constitución del Comité Promotor Unitario de la Asamblea Mundial de los Habitantes de Lima, a realizarse en Dakar, Sénégal en febrero de 2010!