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Argentina: “To combat poverty is to distribute wealth”

The “Social Habitat for an Urban World” International Conference will take place in San Martin de Los Andes –Neuquen–, Argentina from 27th to 28th November 2008.

Organised by: the Comisión de Vecinos Sin Techo y por una Vivienda Digna (Commission of Homeless Residents for Decent Housing), the Mapuche Neuquina Confederation and Radio AM 800 Wajzugun.

The following three themes are being addressed:

  • Legal Frameworks: The right to the city. Forced evictions, expropriations. Land-use planning. The land situation in the province of the Mapuche communities, with an emphasis on urban issues.

  • R eporting and Exchange: Experiences of struggle and resistance, for housing, land and water. Relations with the State. Struggle of the Mapuche people.

  • Development of Lines of Work: How can we organise ourselves to combat poverty? Can we build up organisations and different political alliances in order to ensure that there is true distribution of wealth? Can we create a solid network in order to achieve the Millennium Development Goals?


The objectives that we have set ourselves include:

  • Raising awareness on issues of collective property and that housing should no longer be treated as a speculative asset.

  • Working together – organisations and the various political parties – to build ways of formulating more equitable policies for the sectors that have been excluded by all governments.

  • Strengthening the areas of work of the habitat networks and social movements, towards a Framework Law at national level, Urban Reform and the Right to the City, and seeking possible alternatives for the definitive solution of the housing problem in our country through inclusive public policies.