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Abitanti delle Americhe


Piquiá de Baixo, Brasile: la vita di 1.100 persone a rischio

Circa 380 famiglie (1.100 persone) vivono da circa 40 anni a Piquiá de Baixo, Stato di Açailândia, Maranhão, Regione Amazzonica, in Brasile. Da quando l’industria del ferro e dell'acciaio ha fatto il suo ingresso nel 1987, gli abitanti sono stati costretti a subire la presenza di ben cinque fabbriche di ghisa [1] , una ferrovia e altri impianti industriali della Vale [2] , che operano ininterrottamente e molto vicino alle loro case.

Haiti: Solidarity against death threats to human rights lawyer Patrice Florvilus

Camp leader Elie Joseph Jean-Louis holds up a photograph of the body of Merius Civil after he was beaten by police during a protest in the Delmas district of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Civil was arrested by police early April 15 stormed the camp as residents were protesting a raid by motorcyclist who set fire to their homes. The band of motorcyclists came to Camp Acra hours after attorney Reynold Georges arrived with a judge and a police officer and told the some 30,000 people who had lost their homes in the 2010 earthquake that they were squatting on his land and had to leave, witnesses said. If they didn't vacate, he said he'd have the place burned down and leveled by bulldozers. (AP Photo/Dieu Nalio Chery, 30/04/13) A human rights lawyer in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, who is executive director of the NGO Defenders of the Oppressed (Défenseurs des Opprimés – DOP), an IAI member, has been threatened and intimidated since 15 April, when two men were arrested and beaten for participating in a demonstration against evictions. One died in custody. The lawyer is now representing the cases of both men.A call for international solidarity!

Guatemala, Pueblos en resistencia al modelo extractivo minero

Desde el lugar donde nace el Río San Juan, de las entrañas de la Sierra de los Cuchumatanes en Aguacatán , Huehuetenango, Guatemala se llevó a cabo el segundo encuentro del Movimiento Mesoamericano contra el Modelos Extractivo Minero del 11 al 14 de abril.

USA, Two approaches to homelessness: The government vs the people

Who can solve the problem of homelessness? This past week we saw two approaches—the bulldozing of a homeless encampment by the City of Baltimore and the reclamation of a foreclosed property by the direct action of a group of people in Minneapolis.

Venezuela, La Red Metropolitana de Inquilinos, te dice hasta siempre Comandante

La Red Metropolitana de Inquilinos, abraza en el dolor, con el más genuino sentimiento a toda la familia del Comandante Presidente Hugo Chávez, a quienes expresamos nuestras más profundas condolencias, al pueblo de Venezuela y hermanos Latinoamericanos, al Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela, y a nosotros mismos, pues el profundo dolor que sentimos  se anida en nuestras almas, haciéndonos brotar el llanto; llanto que es  amor, llanto que es agradecimiento, llanto que es reconocimiento y admiración; pero también llanto que se convertirá en acción y fuerza.

Proyecto minero Esperanza Silver de México, devastaría la ecología de Morelos, advierten a Semarnat

El movimiento socio-ambientalista de Morelos con el apoyo de redes nacionales e internacionales, entre otros  AIH, RMALC y  OCMAL, solicitan que la Dirección General de Impacto y Riesgo Ambiental de la SEMARNAT, no apruebe el proyecto de la empresa Esperanza Silver de México S.A., y por el contrario, la SEMARNAT apoye la propuesta alternativa para que el área circundante a la zona arqueológica de Xochicalco sea decretada como Área Natural Protegida.

Buenos Aires, Documental Nuestra Mirada (lucha contra desalojos)

Centro Resistencia Cultural Barrial "Manos Unidas" Barrio El Olvido Historias desde adentro de las luchas de los Barrios donde colabora Resistencia Cultural Barrial, en la Provincia de Buenos Aires, y su resistencia a los juicios de deslojo con propuestas.

Tenants to US Congress: “Have a Heart: No More Cuts, Save Our Homes!”

Participants will demand that Congress reject extremist proposals to tie the debt limit to deficit reduction and instead close corporate tax loopholes, tax the 1%, and redirect Pentagon spending to invest in jobs, to prevent any cuts to vital social programs.

“Have a Heart, No More Cuts” Actions Valentine’s Day 2013

The “Have a Heart” campaign demanding “No More Cuts, Tax the 1%, Redirect Pentagon Spending, Invest in Jobs” is initiated by the National Alliance of HUD Tenants (NAHT) and supported by their allies in 15 cities.The USACAI and International Alliance of Inhabitants support.

Venezuela: movimientos sociales urbanos defienden al Presidente Chávez y la Revolución bolivariana

Los movimientos sociales urbanos manifestamos nuestro repudio a la forma como se ha manejado desde algunos medios de comunicación el tema relativo al estado de salud del presidente Chávez. Venezuela cambió para siempre. Somos dispuestos a defender al presidente Chávez,  su honorabilidad y a la Revolución Bolivariana en cualquier escenario.