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The right to housing in the Lima Declaration

… Adopt, inter alia, measures like debt swap for social investment (inter alia, in health, access to drinking water, education and housing) … to finance social policies …

PERU.21 , May 2008

We firmly reject all coercive measures of unilateral character with extraterritorial effect that are contrary to international law and the commonly accepted rules of free trade.

We will cooperate, in the framework of international law, on matters of security (inter alia, illicit drugs and weapons trafficking, organized crime and terrorism, including hostage taking), acknowledging the need to address their impact on democratic societies.

Deeply concerned by the impact of increased food prices, we reiterate the commitment of our countries to policies for the eradication of hunger and the fight against poverty.

We agree that immediate measures are needed to assist the most vulnerable countries and populations affected by high food prices.

Overcoming poverty, inequality and exclusion is crucial for the attainment of social cohesion, for sustainable development and for the effectiveness of our biregional partnership.

Environmental degradation and climate change seriously affect our economic growth, hitting the poor hardest and seriously threatening the prospects for the overall future of our peoples.

We will further our cooperation, in accordance with the principle of shared responsibility, in confronting the world drug problem.

We confirm that the fight against poverty, inequality and exclusion in order to reach or increase social cohesion is a key policy priority of the strategic partnership between our regions.

We will foster the identification of further means of biregional cooperation in order to promote the formulation and implementation of effective social policies which will [be] conducive to the achievement of the Millenium Development Goals by 2015 and of the additional targets taken on by LAC countries by the year 2020.

To eliminate hunger … universalize care for pregnant mothers and new-born children … universalise access to drinking water and sanitation as well as attention to expectant mothers and infants.

Preserve and promote sound macroeconomic policies and a secure investment climate.

Strengthen national initiatives and international cooperation, including budgetary support, when appropriate, in order to generate more resources to implement viable social policies and public investment with a redistributive impact.

Adopt, inter alia, measures like debt swap for social investment (inter alia, in health, access to drinking water, education and housing) … to finance social policies.

Facilitate quality employment for young people and reduce substantially the proportion of young people who are out of the educational system or the labour market.

We acknowledge that poverty is one of the root causes of migration. We consider it fundamental to ensure effective enjoyment and protection of human rights for all migrants. Based on the principle of shared responsibility, we will develop a comprehensive approach on international migration, including the orderly management of migratory flows, focusing on the mutual benefits for countries of origin and destination…

We call our regions to further develop a structured and comprehensive dialogue on migration, in order to identify our common challenges and areas for mutual cooperation.

With a view to promoting sustainable development, we call for more efficient environmental governance in the United Nations System.

We are committed to foster bi-regional cooperation with a comprehensive vision of the environment, particularly focused on climate change, desertification, energy, water, biodiversity, forests [and] fisheries …