Forum China-Europa
Boom or Doom? China's housing market continues to grow and expand
Shenyang, China - March 11 2009: A child plays along a railway at a shanty town where residents will move into low-rent apartments provided by the government.
China Is No Dubai Or Enron: Real Estate Rebalance To Buoy Gold
A man walks across a snowy overhead bridge towards business buildings in Beijing (January 6, 2010, China Daily).jpg A man walks across a snowy overhead bridge towards business buildings in Beijing (January 6, 2010, China Daily)
In China housing starts nationwide rose a staggering 194% year-over-year in November 2009. And the central bank noted new home mortgages in the first nine months of last year totaled about $139.5 billion, quadruple the amount offered a year earlier.
The China Daily noted that in terms of house prices as a proportion of incomes, China is now the most expensive place in the world. Indeed, there is a whiff of Dubai about the Chinese property market at the moment. By one estimate, the vacancy rate of Pudong, the central business district of Shanghai, is as high as 50% This is not to say there's not a real estate bubble in China. Rather, overinvestment and overbuilding is sometimes a prerequisite of an anticipated mass urban migration such as the one China is destined to experience.
China orders low-cost housing against property bubble
Raining hot prices in real estate market
China's city governments and ministries have been told to build more low cost housing. They have also been ordered to push property developers to complete projects more quickly in order to help ease property prices.
The directive has come from the country's cabinet, the State Council, amid fears of a property bubble. It also says it wants to prevent speculative foreign investment pushing up prices even further.
China's leaders are worried that house prices in many cities here are rising too fast now.
From Rome via Canton; together, let’s build the 2011 Assembly
It has now been six months since the IAI, in agreement with its Chinese and European partners, decided to follow up on the talks between China and Europe that were launched in 2007, by participating in the Third Biennial of the China-Europe Forum previewed for July 2009
Cercasi traduttori volontari per il diritto alla casa senza frontiere (Cinese)
Preparazione del convegno internazionale degli abitanti inserito nel Forum China-Europa
Case-gabbia in affitto a Hong Kong
A Hongkong, une des centaines de salles-dortoirs qui abritent une demi-douzaine de lits superposés et grillagés. Loyer : 150 euros par mois.
LE MONDE - 03.07.09, CORRISPONDENZA DA HONK KONGL’anniversario della riconsegna di Hong Kong alla Cina, il 1° luglio 1997, è divenuto, dal 2003, l’occasione ufficiale di manifestare il proprio malcontento al governo della circoscrizione amministrativa speciale di Hong Kong. In questa giornata, Paul Pak
, cinquantenne, lascia la “gabbia” in cui vive a Tsim Sha
Tsui per raggiungere la marcia che attraversa il centro di Hong Kong, sotto l’egida della Soco, un’ONG che si batte instancabilmente per la causa dei poveri, dei nuovi emigranti e delle persone che vivono in condizioni abitative disagiate. “Troppo caldo, senza aria condizionata, troppo sporco e troppo caro. Molte pulci e insetti che mordono”
, sintetizza a proposito del suo alloggio nel quale, aggiunge un altro occupante: “Donald Tsang
(capo dell’esecutivo di Hong Kong) non resisterebbe neanche cinque minuti”.
Verso la terza biennale del Forum Cina-Europa
da Roma a Canton, costruire insieme il workshop degli abitanti.IAI
rilancia il dialogo
Nel 2007 la IAI ha partecipato per la prima volta all'organizzazione degli workshop durante gli incontri internazionali della Seconda Biennale del Forum Cina-Europa.
Cina-Europa Forum 2007
Abitanti dei centri urbani: cittadini in quanto costruttori della città futura?Giovedì 4 e venerdì 5 ottobre, alla Provincia di Roma, Sala della Pace, organizzato dalla International Alliance of Inhabitans, con il saluto del presidente Gasbarra, i lavori del seminario: “Abitanti dei centri urbani: cittadini in quanto costruttori della città futura?”.
Further background documents in English and French
Find here further background articles in French and English version:
Further documents in Chinese
Find here some other documents regarding housing rights and evictions translated into Chinese!