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Meeting to launch the Belém Observatory

On the initiative of IAI (International Alliance of Inhabitants), a meeting took place at Belém on 25th January 2008, bringing together more than thirty leaders of popular movements for urban reform, NGO's and other institutions active in Belém, the capital of the Brazilian state of Pará.

The meeting was coordinated by Miguel Lobato of MNLM (Moviemento Nacional de Luta pela Moradia - National Movement to Struggle for Housing); Wander Geraldo of CONAM (Confederação Nacional das Associações de Moradores - National Confederation of Inhabitants’ Associations), who also represented IAI; Paulo Cohen of CMP (Central de Movimentos Populares – Centre for Popular Movements); Matos of UNMP (União Nacional por Moradia Popular – National Union for People's Housing) and Jorge Leal, executive member of CONAM.

The aim of the meeting was to announce the setting up of a new project - the Belém Observatory, to set out its objectives, and schedule events between now and January 2009, when the World Social Forum takes place in Belém, one year into the Observatory's work.

After a productive debate, in which everyone took part, the setting-up of the Observatory was approved. It will be made up of all the organisations represented at the meeting, in addition to other organisations in Belém. The composition of the Observatory's committee was also formally approved: it will be made up of representatives of CONAM, CMP, UNMP, MNLM, a representative of NGOs working in Belem, and a representative from the Federal University of Pará.

The Observatory's mission was also approved - it will monitor impacts on housing, sanitation, health, education, job and wealth creation, environment, urban transport and mobility, and public security.

Finally, the schedule of the Observatory's meetings was agreed:

  1. Public launch of the Belém Observatory on 5th March at 2pm, venue to be confirmed.
  2. Open work session - May 2008
  3. Open work session - November 2008
  4. Workshop in January 2009 - within the framework of the World Social Forum

On the 5th March, at the public launch, an open letter presenting the objectives of the Observatory will be distributed. The possibility of broadcasting the Observatory's launch on television or on the internet is being looked into.

Yours, in solidarity