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Competition Terms of Reference


The International Alliance of Inhabitants was created 10 years ago, with the aim of giving voice to the struggles and proposals of inhabitants to obtain the right to adequate housing and land. In this way, along with various inhabitants' movements throughout the world, we have supported struggles, developed Zero Evictions Campaigns, and put socio-political pressure on national and international organisations, always making proposals and taking initiatives to defend the right to housing.

In claiming housing as a right and refusing to treat it as real estate capital, communities have built their own alternatives, demonstrating indisputably that another world is possible. IAI recognises and is based on these efforts, which is why it is calling on organisations in Latin America and the Caribbean to participate in the First Regional Competition for Popular Housing Alternatives.

In this effort, we recognise the role of the Urban Popular University (UPU) which, as a tool for the co-production of IAI knowledge, has worked on research, capacity building, ways of share experiences and publications on key questions of planning, evaluation and policy development. In particular, for the social construction of housing and the right to the city; the role of the social movements in defence of housing and political action at local, regional and global level.

This competition is being held as part of the work of the International Alliance of Inhabitants, with the support and solidarity of Misereor of Germany.


To highlight and reconsider the importance of the experiences of local communities and their organizations, as fundamental contributions to policies for building and managing popular housing, and alternatives to the market paradigms.


Participation is open to all of the Inhabitants' Organizations of Latin America and the Caribbean who have campaigned for popular housing in their own countries, or for relevant initiatives and proposals to influence public policy, with the demonstrable support of NGOs and universities.

Application and closing date

Applications will be open from 15 November until 23 January 2014, at 5 p.m. (Lima-Bogota time). 

Any documentation required should be submitted online, on the IAI website


The theme of this competition is "Initiatives and proposals of the inhabitants of Latin America and the Caribbean to build and manage popular housing, as an expression of political alternatives around the question of housing."


Each proposal presented in the Competition (on A4/US Letter paper, single spaced, in Arial font, size 12) shall contain:

a)  A summary of up to 8 pages maximum, containing: the name of the experience and/or proposal, location, time period when it took/is taking place, lead organisation, design, strategy and methodology used, with an emphasis on the participation of inhabitants (the format is attached , and must be adhered to).

b)  A plan or sketch of the experience location.

c)  A plan or sketch of the architectural design, with explanatory photos and illustrations.

d)  A summary of how the experience influenced public policy, as well as the lessons learned


There will be 3 winners and 3 runners up, and a diploma will be offered to all participants. 

First Prize: 1000 euros and participation in the USF in Medellín, Colombia

Second Prize: 500 euros and participation in the USF in Medellín, Colombia

Third Prize: Participation in the USF in Medellín, Colombia

All of the participants' applications will be published.

The monetary prizes will be linked to actions to share experiences and apply policies for building and managing popular housing, alternatives to the market paradigms.

Participation in the Urban Social Forum in Medellín, Colombia, is reserved for those representing the organisation, who agree to pass on and disseminate the outcome of their participation.

Announcing the winner

The winner will be announced during the second half of February 2014. 

Official prize ceremony

The prizes will be handed out in a special ceremony that will be held at the Urban Social Forum taking place in Medellín, Colombia in April 2014. 


The Jury will be made up of urban social leaders, architects, urban planners and social scientists recognised for their contribution to popular housing in the Region:

  • Professor Alberto Bialacowsky, Argentina
  • The architect Adolfo Córdova, Peru
  • Ana Falù, Argentina
  • Dr. Ênio Nonato de Oliveira, Brazil
  • The architect Georgina Ramírez Sandoval, Mexico
  • Ana Marina Rodríguez Montero, Venezuela
  • Professor Alessio Surian, Italy

Summary File  (must be adhered to)

How to send files and material

Contact:  concurso.alternativas.vivienda.popular13@habitants.org

Il(la) Traduttore(trice) Volontario(a) per il diritto alla casa senza frontiere dell’IAI che ha collaborato con la traduzione di questo testo è

Juliette Rutherford


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