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Quito, approved the Charter for Responsibilites of Inhabitants

Quito, aprobada la Carta de Responsabilidades de los Habitantes

Pedro Franco Coop Habitat, Santo Domingo

On 19th October 2016, the “Charter for Responsibilities of Inhabitants” workshop was carried out during the People´s Social Forum Resistance Habitat III, in the auditorium of the Faculty of Architecture at the Universidad Central de Quito. With over 50 mentors from various countries, the content of the Charter was deliberated and presented in Spanish, Portuguese, French and English.

With broad and considerable participation , contributions to the Charter that have been introduced were presented.

The workshop, with support from the Alliance for Responsible and Sustainable Societies and the International Alliance of Inhabitants, was coordinated by Cristina Reynals during the People´s Social Forum Resistance Habitat III, in the auditorium of the Faculty of Architecture at the Universidad Central de Quito.

The workshop developed with intense debate from over 50 leaders of organisations who defend the right to housing, from different countries, different continents, and who give their support, contributions and drive the Charter, strengthening the agreement assumed in the Agenda of the Inhabitants of the Resistance Forum Habitat III.


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