Regional Training Meeting: face-to-face training for popular leaders
The International Alliance of Inhabitants is delighted to announce that we are proposing a face-to-face training course in Buenos Aires from 29 September to 2 October 2015, called “Popular movements and their responsibility in public housing policies”. The course will provide a forward-looking and independent perspective and look at the impact of inhabitants’ organizations in the run-up to the World Urban Social Form and Habitat III (Quito, October 2016) .
>>> Enclosed form to fill in and send to :
>>> We will be accepting applications until 23 August 2015
» Regional Training Meeting: face-to-face training for popular leaders
La International Alliance of Inhabitants è una rete globale di associazioni e movimenti sociali di abitanti, inquilini, centri sociali, cooperative, senzatetto.
L'obbiettivo è la costruzione di un altro mondo possibile partendo dal diritto alla casa e alla città senza frontiere